Statement of Company Safety Policy

It is the policy of Scottfab to provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions, plant, equipment and systems of work for all our employees, and to provide such information, training and supervision as they need for this purpose.

Scottfab recognise the importance of safety, health and welfare in the successful operation of its activities, and believes in the active participation and co-operation of its employees, and subcontractors, in order to achieve and maintain the highest possible standards.

The activities of Scottfab will be conducted in accordance with relevant statutory requirements, appropriate safeguards being implemented to prevent exposing employees and the public to risks to their Health, Safety and environment. This Policy will be actively pursued by the Directors and line management.

The requirements of the Health & Safety at Work etc Act 1974, the Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999, associated environmental legislation, the Construction, Design & Management Regulations 2007 shall be regarded as the minimum standard of safety, health and welfare to be accepted.

In furtherance of this aim Scottfab will introduce and maintain systems of work which will ensure that all stages of detailed construction work, from conception, design and planning through to execution of the works on site managed in an effective and co-ordinated fashion.

Scottfab recognises the need to consult with its workforce on Health, Safety and environment matters in order to achieve policy objectives, which are both safe and acceptable when put into practice. It welcomes suggestions from its employees, which serve to improve and promote these aims. Such suggestions may at any time be brought to the attention of line and senior management.

Whilst overall responsibility for Health, Safety and environment matters must rest at the highest management level with Scottfab, employees should recognise that they to have duties under the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974. These duties include the taking of reasonable care of their own safety and the safety of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions and to co-operate with Scottfab in its arrangements to comply with statutory safety obligations.

This policy will be kept up to date. To ensure this, the Policy and the way in which it has operated will be reviewed on an annual basis as a minimum. Any revision will be brought to the attention of those affected by the changes.

Gary Scott
Managing Director

February 2017